WINAICO WST Full Black Glass-Glass Series

WINAICO WST Full Black Glass-Glass Series

NEW For Quarter 3 2024 - Now accepting deposits and scheduling installations

Power Class:
440 & 445W | Up to 22.8% Efficient

High Efficiency Bi-Facial Solar Cells. The high efficiency of N-type topcon solar cells is due to their unique design, which reduces recombination losses and increases the amount of light that is absorbed by the cell.

Additionally, N-type topcon solar cells come with PID-free and LID-free attributes and are less sensitive to temperature variations, making them a good choice for use in hot climates.

Beautiful in BLACK

Warranty: Product and power coverage 30 Years with Maximum annual degradation 0.40%

Insurance: Uniquely to WINAICO a 3 in 1 full system insurance policy


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